it was quite a night on the 27th of June. I was able to go on a date with the hubby to the arts festival an activity we enjoy every year. jared and I got a beer and some wine and enjoyed our stroll knowing the rain was coming. we loved watching the amazing lighting bolts...suddenly it started pouring rain... jared assumed that bucca de beppo was right by us and we decided to RUN there... um he was wrong and we were on 400 S. and 1 block past west of W. temple...NO bucca this time i was completely drenched in a bandana, tank and long skirt which persisted to stick to my legs and make it impossible to run in, and chaco's. i had jared carry my sandals while i hiked up my skirt and ran in 10" deep rain gutter water that was over flowing at first i was pissed at jared and totally wished we hadn't parked a mile away from where we were. i wished he knew where bucca actually was. i was way too drenched to go out to eat anywhere by that time. so as we ran back to our car shivering the whole way i just decided to smile bout the whole thing. totally spontaneous! totally fun! totally child like! we were about the only 2 people on the streets by this time.... A homeless man was kind enough too try to "donate" a blanket for me but i declined and said "it's all good you need it more than i do, thanx anyways" i was smiling ear to ear. We got to our car got in cranked up the heat. i took off my long skirt and was wringing out the water....chillin in my undies...haha there was a cool 2nd hand clothing store close by that jared walked to and picked out a god aweful long skirt for me for a dolla and i put it on....we were still hungry for italian food, he drove us to bucca in midvale and we ate some great spicy italian food we so craved for. funny thing was i was still drenched, jared was as well and we shivered throughout the entire dinner...but IT WAS ALL SO WORTH IT!!! what a night to remember for sure!! All these pics were taken with my cell phone. the jacket i had on was dry only because i kept it in the car i was really glad i had it!!
Me at Bucca freezing my ass off... Gorgeous Rainbow!!! I was in total awe! What a sight to see! These pics don't do it justice~
Jared driving (soaked) me trying to cuddles sayin: "we still in love... see?!"
This is the sight we had once we got into the car!!! TOTALLY made me smile!!