I’ve sat in a meditative state for hours allowing you to say whatever need be said to the "adult me" and to the child within. I'm open to hearing even the harsh truths. I’ve wondered what it’s like to stand next to you as grown daughter alongside grown mother~
Woman to woman!
I sing often and on rare occasions I believe I’ve felt your smile.
I whisper to you (nearly) daily.
I’ve closed my eyes so tightly and sat for so long that my sit bones ache.
My sons have sent you messages with balloons; I hope you have each one because I’ve told them it’s how you’ll greet them. It’s been nearly 20 years since you’ve passed on… it took me touching your frozen hand to know that you were really “gone” It’s a feeling I’ll never forget. When one needs guidance women often turn to their mother….
Today I turn to you
Without a compass
Without an idea of where you are