Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Hear ye, Hear ye....ATTENTION: This mother has NO CLUE. That was the prejudgment GLUED on my forehead today. I attended a hearing that was held today for my son. My husband and I fought to hold him back a year in school. The system is fighting us on this issue. I am stunned, sad, and feel like I was socked in the gut. I have been told I am doing the wrong thing, I am not thinking rationally, what could I possibly get by doing this "to" Gabe.... We all sat in a room with my poor son listening to every fucking word said. I fought for him, I was his voice. FOR ALL OF YOU OUT THERE: I get nothing by holding him back. This is in/for his best interests. BRING IT ON!!! I WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH on this issue....I will WIN. I AM HIS VOICE! I SPEAK, I SHED HIS TEARS, I AM HIS BREATH, at these crucial moments when he can NOT speak for himself. The only person that loses this battle is Gabe.....PLEASE hear his voice, hear the whispers in your ears....BELIEVE!!! There is nothing more that I want for my son than to be happy, and healthy. I don't expect miracles by holding him back. I don't expect a huge rainbow to come and make my days perfect.
BUT BY GOD...I sure have HOPE.... So look into these eyes..... let these eyes of hurt, hope, faith, and trust tell GABE'S STORY......  cuz not for one second is this about me.....