Tuesday, December 13, 2011


blank stares
blank touch
blank and empty stomach
blank and shut off heart
blank and hollow mind
blank future
blank time
blank streets
blank seats
blank skies
blank eyes
Oh starry starry night please bring back the color of life?!
Star light star bright Where are you tonight?
Sketchy past
Foggy present
blank stance
blank faces
blank responses
blank bed
blank reproduction

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scared shitless!

On freeway driving my subi
car says "at oil temp"
each time I break I see the mph gage drop to zero
and suddenly the ABS break light comes on and my car DIES
I'm in the 3rd lane from the right
Mind you I've never died on the freeway b4
I couldn't find my emergency flashers
I got it over as quickly as I could into the emergency lane
without being hit...total miracle.. It was 4:40pm
I was 1/2 mile from the 600 South exit on I15
I called the hubs and was freaking out to say the very least
WTF do I do now??
I restarted my car and tried putting it in drive I started moving slowly
but the engine light was still flashing and it was super sluggish
I said a prayer to the universe asking for me to make it safely off the freeway to 600 S. exit
where I knew I could park it somewhere
I really didn't want it to be stuck there for the rest of the night
we are due for a killer storm tonight
I stressed the fuck out of Jared and now I have more guilt that things are all my fault
We are COMPLETELY out of $$funds$$ so I have no clue where we are going to find the money to fix it
my stress level was already at an all time high
not it's a hundred notches higher and I have no idea how to react...
It's one of those times when I want to throw my arms up in the air and say "I give up"
because that's truly how I feel. I'm so damned overwhelmed.
At some point the hubs will be coming downtown to look at subi and decide what the hell is wrong with it
if it's safe I will likely only have the courage to take the back roads home.
Shitty fo realios
Means a fun walk to school in the morning for the kids and I tomorrow...
Happy happy joy joy
For xmas I wish for 2 well working cars, happy healthy kids and parents (us ;) and for money to be figured out sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Super frustrated

Feeling super down

It’s super freezing

I’ve been super dogged on

Making me feel super shitty

College is super hard


I’m not working much at all (the last couple months)

Making me super broke

I’m super baby hungry still

Making my heart super ache

I’m hating my looks…. JUST SUPER!

Still super hating:

My super insane brain

My super thin hair

My super small & fat feet

My non hour-glass figure

My sagging super motherly breasts

And my super enormous personality

And I wish I were super different

And I want to start over so I can learn to be super content.

But instead I sound and feel Super lame-

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Real One~

can i be that everything like that sun to your sky
can i sing all that is in my heart surely i'll try
can i see my mother in my dreams and never say goodbye

can you take care of me like i take care of you
can you love me even when im unlovable
and believe we are better as two

can you look at me and love me
can you say the things i long to hear
can you show me that I'm your everything
can you do your best to draw me nearer

can i show you that i love you
can i be that lady wise
can I be the mother you're amazed by

can i be the wife you stay with
because you want nothing less
can i just tell you i did my very best

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mental spring cleaning/complaining~

It has been a bit of a stressful week for me and for no other reason than when one of my boys is doing good in school it seems the teeter totter comes back down and the other one has to struggle. Zman hasn’t been handing in his work on time and his work is becoming sloppy, granted it is nearly the end of the year and by this time he is sick of schoolwork. He was grounded from his DS and video gaming systems and his work is still coming back with poor grades. I’m at a real loss of what to do for him.

Summer is about to begin and I chose not to take on clients for June-August. I’m ecstatic not to be on call but another part of me is shitting my pants b/c that means no money coming in on my part either. I’m looking at certifying as a Brio CBE and seeing if that will bring me in $$. I really could use working 1-2 nights a week. I’m freaking out and having HUGE anxiety ridden days thinking about it. Stress doesn’t help a woman when she’s TRYING to get pregnant. **Argg

Another concern is my body and how crappy it looks and feels right now. If it weren’t so damned cold outside I would take Gabe out and enjoy a nice walk. The shivering drives me insane. I also can’t bare the thought of being in a bathing suit all summer long. I really gotta get on the bandwagon and start exercising regularly. My mental attitude isn’t in a healthy state when I don’t feel in shape. My fear is losing weight and getting fit again could have ramifications on my monthly cycle. I obviously know that once I’m pregnant being in shape is still important and hopefully I can still go to the gym but I don’t think it is wise of me to “wait” to become pregnant to start my workout routine again. I have about 10 pounds to lose and although that seems easy to some it is quite a nightmare for me… I have never had to work so hard to be in shape and I must say Im not loving my 30’s for this very fact. DAMMIT!

Did I mention I want a a baby?! Yeah I do, crazy as it may seem I’m ready for another lil one around the house. Why not add to the chaos right? LOL My therapist seems ok with our decision we made as a family. I should add how thankful I am that I have a damn good therapist, it’s been 4 years now.

Did I also mention that I miss having my free time during the day a bit?! Yup I actually do I miss being able to mow the lawn, take a LONG hot bath, do my hair w/out interruption, and play music LOUDLY in the home while I plan my month of work schedules and routine. I miss going to the grocery store w/out a nagging child. I feel completely bombarded with things that are 100% my responsibility. Im having a temper tantrum and am having a selfish moment. I will have clarity again and recognize the importance of what I’m doing but many a days I just want to see a light at the end of the tunnel….. KWIM?!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rock Me To Sleep

I miss you Mom - xoxo

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I want:

to feel energetic
to feel good enough that Im following through with my goals
to have my son's school respect me after our next meeting
to cook more to give my husband a happy heart and happy tummy ;)
to finish my phlebotomy internship
to check jobs that are graveyard hours to help take some of the burden off my hubby
to awaken and show happiness to my boys each morning
to dedicate 30 min of my day to do something for me (example: hot bath, pedicure, yoga, pole work out, meditation, or aerial yoga, journaling or eat a treat)
to plan on attending college this coming fall
to check on k-12 program ASAP for my son
to help my kids be more independent by teaching them basic grooming needs.
to read a book about puberty to my son and talk over all questions or concerns
to kiss my husband 5 times every day :)
I want and my wanting will become my doing.... ACTION~