Friday, June 5, 2009

Grow grow grow....

this is my freshly built square ft. gardening box. I have 2 of them and hope that all the seeds i planted yield good veggies. Snails this year ATE EVERYTHING i planted in the ground, it was a huge disappointment since i started everything indoors and planted them once i knew there was a chance of survival in the great outdoors. So i hope my box with the "special" soil will make wonderful things happen... this is from about 9 days ago...
Here are my grape vines I have a ton of grapes covering most my fencing. I believe we will be canning atleast 10 dozen jars of grape juice. We also will be doing more wine as we did last year. Im pretty impressed with our wine from last year since it was our first time...and it tasted pretty good. Wine is not easy to make... but it is sure fun to have a glass here and there. Jared made our arbors. Lets hope these get filled with lots of green vines and grapes...... FUN FUN!!

What we have so far this year in our garden/yard: 2 apple trees (still "toddlers"), raspberries, corn on the cob, (dwarf) peach tree, apricot tree (HUGE), radishes, spinach, cilantro, jalepenos, tomatoes, chives, zucchini, beans, carrots, beets, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, mulberry tree, plum tree, aronia berry bush, lavender, chamomile, and basil. If I yield something from most of what I have planted I will be ecstatic.... 

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