Thursday, May 15, 2008


i did my hair different. it was one of those days where i look in the mirror and i am unhappy with what i i said...hell....i gonna try something different and wear my hair curly. I washed it, scrunched it, gel in it, scrunched more, and took the hair dryer to it. this is the end result.....and all Jared said to me was this: "what did you do to your hair? it looks weird...." NOTE TO ALL HUSBANDS or BOYFRIENDS NEVER EVER SAY YOUR WOMAN LOOKS WEIRD.....that will NOT get you the sex that you are all dying for. i was pissed, slammed the door in his face and went to a counseling appointment where my male counselor complimented me on my new style that day. i was so thankful that someone appreciated my creativity. truly....i thought it looked cute....and i enjoyed spicing things up for a day!!

1 comment:

Macotar said...

hmmm...While I haven't tried THAT for the sex I was dying for, I guess i'll cross that off the list. Right after I cross off the 'Well you owe it to me woman' because I still think that comment will get me less. or worse still it WILL get me some...ick, nothing worse than obligatory sex.